The Clinic is Opening (but things will be different)
Exciting News!!! The clinic is opening next week for face to face sessions. The guidance we have had from support groups has been amazing with lots of help and advice on resuming clinic life. It will be somewhat different to clinic life pre Covid but I’m excited to get back and provide help and support to those who need it.
There are several changes in place to maintain the safety of both myself and my patients. Covid 19 is a virus where the body has no natural immunity and for which there is no known vaccine available. Additional care is required to reduce the risk of exposing patients and therapists to infection. I have been working hard to ensure the risk to both myself and my patients is minimal and will still be advising for online assessments where possible.
All F2F initial assessments will require a booking of 90 mins to allow for extra time between patients to clean and to limit any contact between patients. The waiting area has been cleared and cleaned and now looks rather sparse. When you book online or make an enquiry you will be contacted within 24 hours and will be screened. You will also be emailed a consent form that you will be required to sign and bring with you. When you arrive at the clinic you will be asked to remove any of your own personal PPE that has been worn outside, then given a surgical mask and gloves. You will be asked to sanitize your hands.
We will endeavor to maintain minimal contact and adhere to the 2 metre rule as much as possible but physiotherapy does involve some hands on treatment. This will be limited and all safety procedures followed. Follow up sessions will be arranged whilst in the clinic and you will be asked to contact the clinic prior to these sessions if you believe you may have been in contact with someone with Covid 19 or have any Covid 19 symptoms. Payments can now be done via BACS, prior to the session. Card transactions will still be accepted in clinic though.
I want you to feel safe if you are coming in to the clinic but not feel like the personal touch has been lost. Any questions or concerns prior to your visit will be discussed at the screening. You will also be encouraged. where possible to utilise the virtual clinic for initial assessments and follow ups. These have been working really well.
There has been some changes to the pricing structure which is now
Initial Assessment in Clinic £53
Online Initial Assessment £45
Follow up in clinic £35
Online Follow Up £35
These prices are correct from Monday 8th of June