Waterbottle workouts

Waterbottle workouts

The last few weeks has both dragged and flown past.  Time seems to mean nothing at the moment and I’ve flipped between feeling relaxed and happy and feeling really low and tearful.  Initially when I closed my clinic  I felt bereft of purpose.  I’m used to seeing people face to face day in day out and helping them recover from whatever their injury is.  When I lost that purpose I really struggled to find my path through this crazy virus journey.  I started to do some workouts in my clinic and began to enjoy the little bit of routine it bought to my days.   I’m lucky enough to have a great workout space but was well aware that not everyone has access to equipment for home use.  So I grabbed myself 2, 2 litre waterbottles and began using those to add a little bit of weight to the workouts.               

So it became my ‘Waterbottle Workout’ and I set about doing one every morning at 11am.  Along the way I’ve had various technical issues but I’ve finally settled on using my iPad to record them via FB live, then downloading them to my laptop and finally uploading them to my YouTube channel.  It seems a lot of faff but it’s the only way I’ve found that works so at the moment I’m sticking with it.

Regular exercise is so important in life any way and has been shown to reduce your risk of suffering from an almost endless list of health conditions both mental and physical.  Its also fun and can lead to new social interactions.  In these unprecedented times many of us have had that ability to exercise as we would normally like taken away from us.  It has though led us to try new ways of exercising at home. There is now a whole host of online content that is freely available, from Joe Wicks doing his morning workouts to Adriene and her calming yoga sessions.  Many of our own local gym instructors are doing a sterling job by hosting their own classes online and not charging for them.  One to look out for is Kyle Wright who is offering a whole host of free classes from Pilates to kettlebells.  He is live on FB and Instagram so check what’s on offer each week.

My own class is not a PT sweat fest.  I’m focusing on various sections of the body or groups of muscles and working at a more sedate pace so we can really focus on the form.  You can perform the whole thing in sitting, standing with support or in in full standing and work at your own level.  I tend to work in reps rather than time, although I have found it difficult trying to count and talk so don’t be surprised if a few extra ones sneak in.

So please join me at 11 am every week day via FB live.  You can also catch up via YouTube.

Stay safe folks but don’t forget to keep active both for your mental and physical health.  Its really helped me knowing that  you are there even if it is with your feet up and a coffee on the go


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