Kimberley Christmas Market

Kimberley Christmas Market

Yes, it’s that time again!!!! Its rapidly approaching and we can no longer hide from the fact that Christmas is just around the corner.  Kimberley Christmas market is back again this year and is returning to the Kimberley School and Kimberley Parish Hall. There were loads of lovely festive goodies last year as well as lots of food stalls to tantalize our taste buds.

This year; as we have done previously, the clinic is going to open for a couple of hours from 12pm.  Obviously, we don’t have Christmas goodies to sell but please feel free to pop in and say hi and see what the clinic can offer.  On the day there will be vouchers available for Sports Massage, Physiotherapy and Gait Analysis.  There will also be some Runners Survival packs available with a £5 off voucher for the next block of Strength and Conditioning for Runners which starts on the 11th of January and is definitely a must if you are starting your marathon training in the new year. All the vouchers are on special offer for the market day only and make great stocking fillers for the athlete in your life.


Physiotherapy Gift vouchers

Runners Survival Bags

Sports Massage Gift Vouchers

Vouchers only available on Market Day 🙂


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