

Physiotherapy, What is it?

Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement, exercises, manual therapy, education and advice. It is an active and passive therapy where the physiotherapist collects information from you to build up a subjective history, set out a rehabilitation programme and allow you as the patient to take control of your recovery. The active part involves assessing physical attributes such as muscle tone, range of movement and muscle length to gait patterns, balance and coordination. Physiotherapists are members of a professional governing body; the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists and are very much an evidenced based profession.

At KH Physiotherapy, your initial assessment will last around an hour and you may be asked to remove some items of clothing. Hands-on assessment is an important part of a physiotherapist role and you will be asked to perform certain movements and tests to help determine the nature of your problem. Physiotherapy isn’t a quick fix to injuries, a large part being education and advice so that, as the patient you can begin to understand why you have pain and how to address this to get on the road to recovery. The body will naturally heal over time and it is important to understand this process and how physiotherapy plays a vital role in supporting this process.  I am a big advocate of physical activity and try to promote this to all my patients.

Who may benefit?

Anyone!! Physiotherapists work in a variety of varied roles and settings. At KHPhysiotherapy I work with patients with a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions from ankle pain to neck pain. I have a keen interest in running injuries and educating runners to becoming less prone to injury but I also treat non runners. If you have an ache or a pain or need advice on exercising for health then a physio is the person to see.

If you are nervous about coming to see a physiotherapist then watch this video on what to expect at the initial assessment

Can You claim through your healthcare provider?

I am currently registered to provide physiotherapy services for patients registered with the following providers-





Please contact your provider to check your policy details.

To purchase an Initial Assessment gift voucher see below.  Can be emailed out 🙂




ideal for;

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Headaches
  • Sporting Injuries
  • Running Injuries
  • Balance & Coordination
  • Muscle Imbalance
  • Pregnancy Related Pains
  • Weak Bladders
  • Stroke Recovery
  • Whiplash


What should I wear to my appointment?

A full assessment means being able to observe, feel and move the body part that is affected so you may be asked to remove some layers of clothing. Shorts are required generally if it is a lower body injury. For upper body if you are not happy getting down to skin and underwear a vest is advisable.

How much will it cost

An initial assessment which lasts around 45 mins costs £58. You can pay by card, cash or transfer. A 30 minute follow up is £45 A 45 minute follow up is £50


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