Clinic Update

Clinic Update

As things are progressing so quickly with regards to the ongoing C19 pandemic I’ve taken the decision to close the clinic as from tomorrow.  This minimises the risk to both myself and my patients.

I will however be conducting online assessments.  You can still book in via the website for a 30 min session.  Payment can be made via Paypal or BACS.  I can still take a history and assess you visually.  Often reassurance and a basic plan to get you going is a great way to start changing your symptoms.  Most musculoskeletal conditions can be treated with some basic changes and simple exercises.

I’m also happy to take calls if you simple need advice on where to turn.  My contact number is 01159383578 or 07584261193

I will be setting up regular workout for you to do at home so please check out my youtube channel, plus hosting some Q&A sessions covering topics such as running injuries, shoulder pain, hip pain and other physio issues.

This is unprecedented times and things are moving quickly.  I’m not a tec guru so please bare with me as I leap head first into the online world.

Stay safe, please be vigilant, wash your hands and protect those you hold dear




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